Monday, February 18, 2008

Doping Panda

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Thanks to ncentral10 for the track

This band start making headlines when they appears for the first time on Music Station last year. I'm so loving this band right now, but it's hard to get a copy of their music. Maybe you can search at, but its too costly for me. This song is called 'Crazy' from their lastest single 'Crazy' (well, not that new, as it is released late last year).

Anyway, just to slip in about The Amazing Race Asia 2 (TARA2), the finale was aired last week, and surprise surprise... the boys from Singapore is the winner! After most of the spoiler pointed the winner to Pam&Van, I feels a little bit disappointed but hey, as long as its not Marc&Ro. Nothing against them, it just they won most half of the leg (maybe more than that, I don't count) from TARA2, it nice someone else won for a change.... What I knew from TAR and TARA, stronger team (that usually won many legs) didn't win the race, ie Amber&Rob. The team that face many difficulties during the race, or always in 2nd, is usually the winner. I don't why, maybe is the 'karma' thing that they always talk about in TAR. Anyway, can't wait to TARA3...I just hope the teams this time will be from 'regular' people, if you know what I mean....

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