Friday, September 19, 2008


I felt bad doing nothing while at work, but when the internet is slow and most of my work need me to access the WWW... I just don't know what to do... So, my friends and maybe "colleagues", these what I've been doing for a couple of weeks now....

Playing childish games everyday until I was bored and "stupid' playing it

These row of games were from some of my students and my colleagues. I just finished it all in over a week (working days!!!). Civilization 4 is my old games, that I kindda forgot about it and I'm trying to get my 'groove' back by playing the hard level, but unfortunately I've never won against the comp.

Watching Heroes (s1) again!!!

My movies folder.

Watching nodame sp again! Nodame Cantabile is the best dorama I've seen so far.

I'm wasting my time watching movies and series that I've seen before and playing childish games, just because I can't enter the Internet. It show how depended we are (or I am) to the WWW that we need it 24/7 just to do our work!

Happy fasting everyone and HAVE A NICE AND WONDERFUL DAY!!!

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