I just watched Jumper last night and it’s really disappointed me. If you already watch it, I bet you brain full of question mark when you left the theater. I know maybe it’s a trend in Hollywood right now to make movies that have potential to do a sequel, but the first one is not even worth of watching, why the hell I wanna watch no. 2.
The opening narration of the movie for me is so lame. The Hero is one arrogant kid; even he said he’s not. I don’t think Hayden-I don’t know the last name (the guy from star wars) have a great voice that can charm me. I just hate the narration part, just go on with the story already, we all know what he can do, we can read the synopsis, da…. The flashback is unnecessary for me. I prefer if his live can be uncovered through out the movie, instead put the chessy childhood past in the beginning. His relationship with Millie (played by the ‘short’ girl from OC, sorry I don’t know her name) is so sudden; I mean he only find her when he is in trouble and they’ve been together for about a day (??? I also confused here).
I don’t understand the Paladin; Samuel L. Jackson with blonde hair??? Weird dude!!! Plus he’s the bad guy. If you wanna kill someone, at least tell us why. Why you kill them with that knife??? I know, only God can have this power, but some history will be great about the ‘EVIL JUMPER’ (if any??? and this should be in the beginning) that make them create an organization so they can kill the jumper. That’s make my point of sequel is crystal clear, don’t you think so? And the mommy stuff…when you wanna explained that, in JUMPER 2???
I still don’t get some of the term they used in the movie, like scars in Jamie Bell’s (yes, I’ve seen Billy Elliot, it's good!!!) neck and jump site (I got confused is it a permanent place like a point you can ‘jump’ or just the place you ‘jump’). Well, the ending is not settled (hint: no. 2???) and I’m not entertained watching this movie. Even if this is a bad movie, at least entertain us with your actions pack and special effect. The fight between Jamie and Hayden is so out of control, I can’t tell who’s who (maybe it just me).
I don’t know what else to say than just read the book (it apparently based on the sci-fi book back in 1990s). I read the synopsis in the wiki and it will be great if they just follow the book’s storyline (maybe, I just saying…). Please dear God, don’t you make another Jumper. Invest in something good, like Bourne 4??? Hahahaha…
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