It seems like I'm at a new place each year. I was in JB 2009, MaVA 2010, and now back to KK 2011. Finally, after a year or so in MaVA aka Malaysian Aviation Academy, I finish all the necessary courses for me to be able to work as an ATC. I still need to take area radar though for my post conformation, but so do everyone in my intake, well I guess I'll see MaVA soon....
Anyway, today is the last night I'm in MaVA. The forwarding company has taken all my things, which surprisingly over a year has accumulate so much that it really need to be ship out! At first I thought I just need approval for shipping my car, I never think that a few boxes of stuff can be ship out too. Thanks DCA!! A few boxes meh....turn out this morning I have total of 12 boxes of books, shoes, cloths, hangers and much more that I can even remember what I put in those boxes.
The experiences that I gain in MaVA and ATC training that I've been through has been a BLAST! I met with interesting people, makes new friends (in fact ALOT of friends) a long the way, I cry and laugh at the same time, stayed up all night studying for final exam, I've been pilot, coordinator and of course the controller, we gossiping and watching some couple blossom in MaVA (erm...), we criticizing the unsatisfactory, waited till 8pm for the exam's result, we celebrates birthday of friends and instructors, and many more that I can even describe in words. I have this slide show moving in my head just writing this...all of what we have done in MaVA. T_T

Thanks friends, instructors...MaVA for this experience. I'll see you guyz again for Area Radar!!!
A song I dedicated to you all!!
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