Friday, June 19, 2009

Weekend Roundup

Right now I'm sitting in Starbucks like a rich student or super busy personal try to act 'COOL' with a cup of hot chocolate with Starbucks logo. I don't like coffee, in fact I don't drink coffee...well, except sometimes I drank's coffee isn't??? Sure taste like one. But anyway, I rarely go to Starbucks. In fact, this is my only 3rd time, the 1st was in Singapore.... HAHAHAHA... go figure that one out!!! Well, the only reason I'm here now anyway because of the free WiFi they offer, so I can finish write this damn post....which have been postponed for days.... (Well what do you expect of me!!!)

I like to tell you a story about my neighborhood in a 'dark' right now, so I can't online from home, but what the h***, let's continue this post first... ok starto....

As what you (yes, you...there are not alot of ppl actually read this crap!) already knew, I'm not a 'sociable' person, so I rarely going out during the weekend. I like to sit at home watching TV and play games rather than going out looking for parking and line up at the register. But as I grew "older" I want to visit as many places as I can, not shopping mall, or zoos or theme park...if you know what I mean.

So last saturday, I follow my friend and her lab buddies to air terjun (waterfall) in Tangkak, Johor (I don't exactly sure about this but ppls said it's part of Gunung Ledang area). Traveling in a large group of ppls is not my thing (remember, I'm not a PEOPLE person), especially if I don't know who they are. But i just wanna go out, and do 'I've been there and done that' kindda thing.

The climb to the 'prettiest' waterfall is so tiring, I soak in sweat through the half of the journey! But actually, we don't have to climb till that very top of the waterfall because half of the team already camp right in the 'middle', which is 'almost' the same "waterfall effect" as at the top! I'm sweating like a pig, and now I have to go down now!!! Damn!But it's worth it??? Right???

The place they choose is not too bad...except a lot of ppls at the same spot. What do you expect on weekend...during school holidays....

I've a plan to meet with my school friends after this trip, at 9pm. I thought I can make it....but NOPE!! Because I'm not driving my own car, I follow someone else's....I never thought we arrived in JB at 10pm!So, I miss the dinner, and the chatting and the gossip....

The next day, I have an appointment at the beauty shop (coz I bought the coupon). I end up buying their product and the sign up for the long treatment!!! They goes my fees for 2 semester!! I admit I have a very terrible skin (u know right....), and their so lovely and sweet talk....ARGH!!!!!!! I'm in the phase of regreting my decision..... T__T. I hope my mom don't found out about this....

The price to be beautiful.... I wish ppls can see beyond outer looks!!!

Well, what the h***.... Maybe I should stop now, no one is actually reading this right??? Maybe 1 or 2 that didn't give a f*** what my so not soooo good wonder I'm here...doing nothing... I'm depressed again...ok stop it!!!

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