I just watch Cloverfield... like an hour ago and I'M LOVING IT! This movie had not so good reviews in Malaysia, and it's not that "popular" either among my friends. So it took me a while to finally watch the DVD.
What I like about Cloverfield is the fact all the actors were unknown. It's make the movie more realistic and we feel like all the characters are "real"; even for the policeman. Because the movie was shot based on digicam record ala 'Blair Witch Project', it suppose to make us think that's what happen in reality if it's happen; and they do a very good job on that. The facts that the monster is unknown in the beginning, and we still don't know what is IT in the end make the movie more focus on point of view of regular people like us; that we rarely seen in the Hollywood big budget movies. The trends of Hollywood movies nowadays are more focus on big budget, actions pack and A-list stars and make it trilogy so they can bank in more money. Cloverfield is fresh and new for Hollywood trends and maybe that's why I like so much. (But I read somewhere that they want to make Cloverfield 2...)
However, while watching this movie, coz it look realistic, I wonder about one thing. What kindda camera they used? I mean the digicam the character used in the movie. You see, this movie is an hour and a half and it seems like the camera didn't have to worried about the battery life at all. Maybe it just me...But I've done that before, running round with my digicam in one day, but in the end the battery is low, and I can't record anymore. But again, maybe it just me...
Other than that, this is a GREAT movie. I don't really like monster movie, coz it gross, but this is worth to watch. However this is my no.2 favorite monster movie after The Host...
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