Anyway, even with that 'tons' of works I have to do, like I said to friend yesterday (during our chat meeting via know who u are right...) work, study and play is one word for me. I have to do that all at once...if not I go "미치겠어,정말 미치겠어(michigesso, chungmal michigesso)"(sing it like MC MONG...u don't get it ha....). Move on...well what I'm trying to say is, I still do play whenever I want even though I have a lot of work to do. Something like 'work hard play hard', except I play hard more than work, erhm....not good, not good....

After feeling kidda disappointed watching high explosive action-CGI movies (erhm...Transformer...GI Joe...Harry Potter...what esle ya??), I turned to the girly flick...the romantic comedy that sure is so over CLICHE but gonna make my heart sweet... This movie is not a disappoitment. It has all the right ingredients for romantic comedy, hot guy, super nice house, great scenery and of course got family sweet... WTH! I admit it, I like it! What to do, I'm old and single...of course I like this stuff! Moving on...
I also watched "Ghost of Girlfriend Past"...not good!
Currently addicted to Doping Panda-Decadence. The whole album is on repeat in my mp3. Particularly I like 'Crazy One More Time', 'Lost & Found', 'Best Addiction' and 'Standin' In The Rain'. The album is super great!!
I'm also listening to 2NE1 new mini album. Hard to admit it, I like it very much. The entire album is non-stop playing in head! Not to be forgotten, MC MONG - Indian Boy!!!
I'm also listening to 2NE1 new mini album. Hard to admit it, I like it very much. The entire album is non-stop playing in head! Not to be forgotten, MC MONG - Indian Boy!!!
Why all the sudden I update about movies, music and dramas?? Because that's the only things I can do while writing my assignment!! Make sense ha... Of course I do play Mafia wars and farm town on FB, and still exploring the YT. Like I said, I play hard....really hard...should the other way around right..!!!
Because US TV series still on 'vacation' till next month, I go for my usual fave, JDORAMA and KDRAMA. Currently watching Buzzer Beat, Orthros no Inu and Queen Seonduk. Just 3...for now, I do watch some
Why all the sudden I update about movies, music and dramas?? Because that's the only things I can do while writing my assignment!! Make sense ha... Of course I do play Mafia wars and farm town on FB, and still exploring the YT. Like I said, I play hard....really hard...should the other way around right..!!!